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Basic Usage


The basic usage of 3270Connect involves running workflows defined in a configuration file. The configuration file specifies a sequence of actions to perform, such as connecting to a host, filling fields, and capturing screens.

To run a workflow, use the following command:

3270Connect -config workflow.json
  • -config: Specifies the path to the configuration file (default is "workflow.json").

Running Workflows

Single Workflow

To run a single workflow, create a JSON configuration file that describes the workflow steps. Here's an example configuration file:

  "Host": "",
  "Port": 3270,
  "HTMLFilePath": "output.html",
  "Steps": [
      "Type": "InitializeHTMLFile"
      "Type": "Connect"
      "Type": "AsciiScreenGrab"
      "Type": "CheckValue",
      "Coordinates": {"Row": 1, "Column": 29, "Length": 24},
      "Text": "3270 Example Application"
      "Type": "FillString",
      "Coordinates": {"Row": 5, "Column": 21},
      "Text": "user1-firstname"
      "Type": "FillString",
      "Coordinates": {"Row": 6, "Column": 21},
      "Text": "user1-lastname"
      "Type": "AsciiScreenGrab"
      "Type": "PressEnter"
      "Type": "CheckValue",
      "Coordinates": {"Row": 1, "Column": 29, "Length": 24},
      "Text": "3270 Example Application"
      "Type": "AsciiScreenGrab"
      "Type": "Disconnect"

In this example, the workflow connects to a host, captures the screen, fills a field, presses Enter, captures the screen again, and then disconnects.

Concurrent Workflows

You can run multiple workflows concurrently by specifying the -concurrent and -runtime flags:

  • -concurrent: Sets the number of concurrent workflows to run (default is 1).
  • -runtime: Specifies the duration to run workflows in seconds (only used in concurrent mode).

For example, to run two workflows concurrently for 60 seconds, use:

3270Connect -config workflow.json -concurrent 2 -runtime 60


Headless Mode

You can run 3270Connect in headless mode using the -headless flag. Headless mode is useful for running workflows without a graphical user interface.

3270Connect -config workflow.json -headless

Verbose Mode

To enable verbose mode for detailed output, use the -verbose flag.

3270Connect -config workflow.json -verbose


Let's explore some common use cases with examples:

1. Running a Basic Workflow

Run a basic workflow defined in "workflow.json":

3270Connect -config workflow.json

2. Running Multiple Workflows Concurrently

Run two workflows concurrently for 60 seconds:

3270Connect -config workflow.json -concurrent 2 -runtime 60

3. Running in Headless Mode

Run a workflow in headless mode:

3270Connect -config workflow.json -headless

4. Using the API Mode

Run 3270Connect in API mode and interact with it using HTTP requests.

  • API Mode: Discover how to run 3270Connect as an API server for advanced automation.

5. Running a 3270 sample application to help with testing the workflow features

As well as performing workflows on a 3270 running instance, 3270Connect can emulate a 3270 sample application using the framework. Full credit go to racingmars for this great open source repo.

Note is Copyright (c) 2020 Matthew R. Wilson, under MIT License.

Run a test 3270 sample application to assist with testing 3270Connect workflow features:

Available Apps
  • [1] Example 1 application from

  • [2] Dynamic RSS Reader

3270Connect -runApp
3270Connect -runApp [number]

Once running and listening on port 3270, run a separate 3270 Connect to run a workflow against the sample 3270 application. The "workflow.json" provided with the root folder of the repo works with the sample application.

Docker Usage


Pull the latest image:

docker pull 3270io/3270connect-linux:latest

Run the container with a configuration file:

docker run -it -v $(pwd)/workflow.json:/app/workflow.json -v $(pwd)/output.html:/app/output.html -p 3270:3270 3270io/3270connect-linux:latest -config /app/workflow.json

Run in headless mode:

docker run -it -v $(pwd)/workflow.json:/app/workflow.json -v $(pwd)/output.html:/app/output.html -p 3270:3270 3270io/3270connect-linux:latest -config /app/workflow.json -headless

Run in verbose mode:

docker run -it -v $(pwd)/workflow.json:/app/workflow.json -v $(pwd)/output.html:/app/output.html -p 3270:3270 3270io/3270connect-linux:latest -config /app/workflow.json -verbose

Run multiple workflows concurrently:

docker run -it -v $(pwd)/workflow.json:/app/workflow.json -v $(pwd)/output.html:/app/output.html -p 3270:3270 3270io/3270connect-linux:latest -config /app/workflow.json -concurrent 2 -runtime 60

Run a test 3270 sample application:

docker run -it -p 3270:3270 3270io/3270connect-linux:latest -runApp

Run a specific test 3270 sample application:

docker run -it -p 3270:3270 3270io/3270connect-linux:latest -runApp [number]


Pull the latest image:

docker pull 3270io/3270connect-windows:latest

Run the container with a configuration file:

docker run -it -v ${PWD}/workflow.json:/app/workflow.json -v ${PWD}/output.html:/app/output.html -p 3270:3270 3270io/3270connect-windows:latest -config /app/workflow.json

Run in headless mode:

docker run -it -v ${PWD}/workflow.json:/app/workflow.json -v ${PWD}/output.html:/app/output.html -p 3270:3270 3270io/3270connect-windows:latest -config /app/workflow.json -headless

Run in verbose mode:

docker run -it -v ${PWD}/workflow.json:/app/workflow.json -v ${PWD}/output.html:/app/output.html -p 3270:3270 3270io/3270connect-windows:latest -config /app/workflow.json -verbose

Run multiple workflows concurrently:

docker run -it -v ${PWD}/workflow.json:/app/workflow.json -v ${PWD}/output.html:/app/output.html -p 3270:3270 3270io/3270connect-windows:latest -config /app/workflow.json -concurrent 2 -runtime 60

Run a test 3270 sample application:

docker run -it -p 3270:3270 3270io/3270connect-windows:latest -runApp

Run a specific test 3270 sample application and listening port:

docker run -it -p 3270:3270 3270io/3270connect-windows:latest -runApp [number] -runApp-port [portNumber]

3270Connect Basic Usage


The 3270Connect command-line utility offers a flexible way to automate interactions with terminal emulators. Whether you need to connect to hosts, manipulate screens, or run multiple workflows concurrently, 3270Connect has you covered. Explore its features, experiment with different workflows, and streamline your terminal automation tasks.

That's it! You're now ready to use 3270Connect for your terminal automation needs, including the API mode for more advanced automation scenarios.